Fatih Kacar
Published on
11/07/2023 09:00 am

Polly v8 Release: Introducing Resilience Pipelines, Telemetry Support, and More

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

Polly v8 Release: Introducing Resilience Pipelines, Telemetry Support, and More

We are excited to announce the official release of Polly v8, the latest version of the popular resilience and transient fault-handling library for .NET applications. With Polly v8, developers can take their application resilience to a whole new level, thanks to the introduction of resilience pipelines, built-in telemetry support, and various configuration enhancements.

Resilience Pipelines - Enhancing Application Resilience

One of the key highlights of Polly v8 is the introduction of resilience pipelines. This new concept allows developers to build complex and flexible resilience strategies by chaining multiple policies together. With resilience pipelines, you can easily combine different resilience policies, such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, and Fallback, to create a robust fault-handling mechanism for your application.

Resilience pipelines provide a structured approach to handling transient faults and exceptions, enabling your application to gracefully recover from failures and maintain high availability. By composing multiple policies, you can define fine-grained fault-handling behaviors, ensuring your application can adapt to different failure scenarios.

Built-in Telemetry Support - Insights into Resilience

Polly v8 introduces built-in telemetry support to provide developers with valuable insights into the resilience of their applications. The new telemetry features allow you to gather performance metrics, error rates, and other important data related to the resilience policies in your application.

With telemetry support, you can monitor and analyze the behavior and effectiveness of your resilience strategies. This enables you to identify potential bottlenecks, fine-tune your policies, and ensure optimal performance and reliability of your application in the face of failures.

Configuration Enhancements - Fine-tuning Resilience Strategies

Polly v8 brings significant changes to the configuration of individual resilience strategies. With the new configuration enhancements, you have more control over the behavior and parameters of your resilience policies.

You can now easily customize aspects such as retry counts, durations, and error handling policies for each resilience strategy. This granular configuration enables you to tailor the fault-handling behavior to the specific needs of your application, providing a high level of flexibility and fine-tuning capabilities.


The release of Polly v8 marks a major milestone in the evolution of resilience and fault-handling in .NET applications. With resilience pipelines, built-in telemetry support, and configuration enhancements, developers can now build more robust and resilient applications that gracefully handle failures and ensure high availability.

We encourage all .NET developers to explore the new features and capabilities offered by Polly v8. Its intuitive API and powerful resilience mechanisms make it an essential tool for building reliable and fault-tolerant applications.

Upgrade to Polly v8 today and take advantage of the enhanced resilience capabilities it brings to your applications. Embrace the concept of resilience pipelines, leverage built-in telemetry support, and fine-tune your resilience strategies to achieve a new level of application reliability and stability.

Get started with Polly v8 and unlock the full potential of resilient application development in the .NET ecosystem.