Fatih Kacar
Published on
09/03/2024 09:00 am

Exciting Java Updates: Class-File API, GlassFish, JHipster, JReleaser, Hibernate Search, Micronaut

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

Java News Roundup

Welcome to this week's Java roundup for August 26th, 2024, where we bring you the latest updates and news from the Java ecosystem. Let's dive into the exciting developments that have taken place recently.

JEP 484: Class-File API

The Class-File API has been promoted to Candidate status, marking a significant milestone in the Java programming language. This advancement opens up new possibilities for developers and enhances the overall Java experience.

GlassFish 7.0.17

Another notable update is the release of GlassFish 7.0.17, offering enhancements and improvements to the popular Java application server. Stay tuned for the latest features and optimizations in this release.

JHipster 8.7.0

JHipster version 8.7.0 brings a host of updates and enhancements for Java developers. Explore the latest changes in this popular application generator and streamline your development workflow.

JReleaser 1.14.0

Version 1.14.0 of JReleaser introduces new features and improvements to simplify the release process for Java projects. Discover how JReleaser can help you automate and streamline your project releases.

Hibernate Search 7.1.2 and 7.2.1

Hibernate Search continues to evolve with versions 7.1.2 and 7.2.1, offering advanced search capabilities for Java applications. Stay ahead with the latest updates and enhancements in Hibernate Search.

Micronaut Framework 4.6.0

The Micronaut Framework receives an update with version 4.6.0, bringing new features and improvements to this lightweight and innovative framework. Explore the capabilities of Micronaut and leverage its benefits in your Java projects.

Stay informed and inspired by the latest Java news and updates. Keep exploring the world of Java development and embrace the advancements that shape the future of software development.

Written By Michael Redlich