Fatih Kacar
Published on
10/18/2023 07:49 am

Reddit's Rule-Execution System Gets a Powerful Upgrade: REV2

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

Reddit's Rule-Execution System Gets a Powerful Upgrade: REV2

Reddit, the popular online community, has recently unveiled its revolutionary Rule-Execution system known as REV2. This advanced system, developed by Reddit's Safety Engineering team, brings modernization and enhanced capabilities to detect and address policy-violating content in real time. The new architecture incorporates cutting-edge technologies like Kubernetes, Kafka, and Flink Stateful Functions, providing improved performance, scalability, and efficiency.

Modernizing the Infrastructure

One of the key advancements of REV2 is the migration from legacy EC2-based systems to Kubernetes, a leading container orchestration platform. Kubernetes offers Reddit the ability to manage and scale their infrastructure seamlessly, ensuring reliable performance and high availability. Additionally, it simplifies the deployment and operation of rule-execution components, allowing for faster updates and reduced downtime.

Enhanced Rule Version Control

With the adoption of REV2, Reddit's Safety Engineering team has implemented better rule version control mechanisms. Leveraging Github and S3 storage, the team now has a streamlined process for managing rule updates. This ensures that policy-violating content is identified and addressed promptly, keeping the Reddit community safe and adhering to their content guidelines.

Efficient Scalability with Flink Stateful Functions

Flink Stateful Functions, a powerful framework for building stateful serverless applications, plays a vital role in the modernized Rule-Execution system. It enables Reddit to efficiently scale their rule-execution components based on demand, saving computational resources and reducing costs. Flink Stateful Functions also provide fault tolerance and state consistency, ensuring that rule execution remains reliable even in the face of failures.

The Benefits of REV2

The introduction of REV2 brings numerous benefits to Reddit's Rule-Execution system. Firstly, the enhanced infrastructure provided by Kubernetes guarantees stability and scalability, enabling the system to handle increasing volumes of user-generated content. This ultimately results in a safer and more enjoyable experience for Reddit users.

Secondly, the improved rule version control mechanism ensures that the latest policies are consistently enforced. By leveraging Github and S3 storage, Reddit's Safety Engineering team can efficiently manage and update the rules, adapting to evolving content guidelines and addressing potential loopholes quickly.

Lastly, the integration of Flink Stateful Functions enables efficient and cost-effective scalability. The dynamically scalable rule-execution components ensure optimal resource utilization while maintaining reliable performance. This empowers Reddit to effectively detect and take action against policy-violating content, reducing the burden on human moderators and enhancing the overall safety of the community.

In Conclusion

Reddit's unveiling of REV2 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of their Rule-Execution system. By incorporating modern technologies like Kubernetes, Kafka, and Flink Stateful Functions, Reddit has revolutionized their ability to detect and address policy violations in real time. With a more robust infrastructure, streamlined rule version control, and efficient scalability, REV2 ensures a safer and more user-friendly environment for the Reddit community.