Fatih Kacar
Published on
02/15/2024 09:00 pm

OpenSilver 2.1: Embracing F# for the Revival of Silverlight

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

OpenSilver 2.1: Embracing F# for the Revival of Silverlight

By Edin Kapić

OpenSilver 2.1, the latest update for the reimplementation of the once-popular Silverlight web application framework, brings exciting new features and enhancements to developers. Notably, this release introduces support for the functional programming language F#, opening doors to a whole new development paradigm for Silverlight enthusiasts. Additionally, OpenSilver 2.1 includes migrated samples from the original toolkit and enables developers to leverage pre-designed themes for their web applications. This update rejuvenates the Silverlight ecosystem, allowing developers to build modern and interactive web experiences with ease.

Reviving Silverlight with OpenSilver 2.1

Silverlight, once a beloved framework for building rich web applications, was discontinued by Microsoft a few years ago. However, with the introduction of OpenSilver, a reimplementation of Silverlight, developers gained the ability to revive their existing Silverlight applications and build new ones using modern web technologies. OpenSilver aims to provide a seamless transition for Silverlight developers by offering a familiar development experience and supporting a wide range of existing Silverlight applications.

OpenSilver 2.1 is a significant milestone in the evolution of the reimplementation. With its support for F#, developers now have the option to leverage the power of functional programming when building web applications on the OpenSilver platform. F# is a versatile language that brings the benefits of functional programming, such as immutability and pattern matching, to the Silverlight ecosystem. By embracing F#, developers can write more expressive and concise code, leading to improved productivity and maintainability of their applications.

Migrated Samples and Pre-Designed Themes

OpenSilver 2.1 also includes migrated samples from the original Silverlight toolkit. These samples serve as valuable resources for developers who are migrating their existing Silverlight projects to OpenSilver. The availability of these samples simplifies the transition process, enabling developers to quickly understand the changes required to make their applications compatible with OpenSilver.

Additionally, OpenSilver 2.1 introduces support for themes. Developers can now choose from a variety of pre-designed themes to enhance the visual appearance of their web applications. This feature saves developers time and effort in designing and styling their applications from scratch, allowing them to focus more on the core functionality and user experience of their web applications.

Building Modern and Interactive Web Experiences

With OpenSilver 2.1, developers can unlock the full potential of the reimagined Silverlight framework and build modern and interactive web experiences. The combination of F# support, migrated samples, and themes empowers developers to create visually appealing and highly functional web applications with ease. Whether you are a Silverlight veteran or new to the platform, OpenSilver 2.1 provides a robust and flexible development environment that caters to your needs.

Embrace the possibilities of OpenSilver 2.1 and unleash your creativity in building cutting-edge web applications that deliver a seamless user experience. Revive the spirit of Silverlight and explore the power of F#, all within the OpenSilver framework. Get started today and join the growing community of developers who are embracing the future of web application development with OpenSilver.