Fatih Kacar
Published on
12/31/2023 09:00 am

Microsoft.CodeCoverage v17.8 Released: Introducing New dotnet-coverage Tool and More

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    Fatih Kacar

Microsoft.CodeCoverage v17.8 Released: Introducing New dotnet-coverage Tool and More

Microsoft recently announced the release of an upgraded version of its developer tools, version 17.8.0. This release brings significant improvements to the Microsoft.CodeCoverage tools, empowering developers with enhanced code coverage analysis capabilities. One of the notable additions in this update is the introduction of the dotnet-coverage tool, which aims to streamline and simplify code coverage analysis workflows.

Introducing the dotnet-coverage Tool

The dotnet-coverage tool is a powerful addition to the Microsoft.CodeCoverage suite. It enables developers to measure the extent to which their tests are exercising their codebase. By analyzing code coverage, developers can identify areas of their applications that are not adequately tested, helping them prioritize testing efforts and improve the overall quality and stability of their software.

New Report Formats

In addition to the dotnet-coverage tool, version 17.8.0 introduces new report formats for code coverage analysis. These new formats allow developers to generate comprehensive and visually appealing reports that provide insights into the coverage of their code. The enhanced reporting capabilities make it easier to analyze code coverage results, track progress over time, and share coverage reports with team members and stakeholders.

Auto-Merge Tool

Microsoft.CodeCoverage v17.8.0 also introduces an auto-merge tool, which simplifies the process of merging coverage data from multiple sources. This tool automatically combines code coverage data from different test runs or different code branches, providing developers with a consolidated view of coverage across their codebase. With the auto-merge tool, developers can easily compare coverage across different scenarios and identify areas that require additional testing.

Performance Upgrades

With version 17.8.0, Microsoft has made significant performance improvements to the Microsoft.CodeCoverage tools. These enhancements reduce the overhead of collecting code coverage data, ensuring that code analysis processes do not slow down development workflows. The improved performance allows developers to seamlessly integrate code coverage analysis into their development cycle without sacrificing productivity.

Improved Documentation

Another notable improvement in Microsoft.CodeCoverage v17.8.0 is the enhanced documentation. Microsoft has invested in improving the documentation of the code coverage tools, making it easier for developers to understand and leverage the capabilities of the tools. The updated documentation provides detailed instructions, examples, and best practices for conducting code coverage analysis, enabling developers to make the most of the Microsoft.CodeCoverage suite.


The release of Microsoft.CodeCoverage v17.8.0 brings exciting new features and enhancements to the developer community. The introduction of the dotnet-coverage tool revolutionizes code coverage analysis, empowering developers to ensure the quality and reliability of their software. With new report formats, an auto-merge tool, performance upgrades, and improved documentation, Microsoft has made significant strides in enhancing the overall developer experience. Developers can now seamlessly integrate code coverage analysis into their workflows, drive better testing practices, and deliver more robust software solutions.

By Almir Vuk