Fatih Kacar
Published on
09/15/2023 09:00 pm

Micro Frontends: The Evolution of Frontend Architecture

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    Fatih Kacar
Micro frontend architecture is a powerful approach that enables teams to scale frontend development and delivery by breaking down large, monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable parts. In this article, we will explore the evolution of frontend architecture and how micro frontends have emerged as a solution to the challenges of building and maintaining large-scale frontend applications. ## Monoliths Traditionally, frontend applications were developed as monoliths, where all the code and components were tightly coupled and delivered as a single package. This approach made it difficult to manage complexity, reuse code, and scale development efforts. ## Modular Monoliths To address some of the challenges of monolithic architectures, developers started adopting modular monoliths, where the application code was grouped into separate modules or packages. This approach allowed for better code organization, improved reusability, and easier maintenance. ## Integrated Applications As frontend applications became more complex and teams grew in size, the need for integration between multiple applications arose. Integrated applications were developed, where different frontend applications were combined to provide a seamless user experience. ## Monorepos Monorepos, or monolithic repositories, gained popularity as a way to manage multiple frontend applications within a single codebase. This approach simplified dependency management, versioning, and collaboration between teams. ## Micro Frontends Micro frontends take the idea of modularity to the extreme by breaking down frontend applications into even smaller, independently deployable parts. Each micro frontend represents a self-contained feature or functionality, developed and deployed by a separate team. This approach allows for increased autonomy, scalability, and flexibility in frontend development. In conclusion, the evolution of frontend architecture has seen a shift from monoliths to modular monoliths, integrated applications, monorepos, and finally micro frontends. Each step in this evolution has aimed to address the challenges of building and maintaining large frontend applications at scale. Micro frontends provide a powerful solution for teams looking to scale their frontend development efforts and deliver high-quality user experiences.