Fatih Kacar
Published on
02/02/2024 09:00 pm

Java Enhances Pattern Matching with Primitive Type Support in JEP 455

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

Exploring the Power of Java Pattern Matching with Primitive Type Support

The world of Java programming is constantly evolving, and with each new release, developers gain access to exciting new features and enhancements. One such enhancement that is generating a buzz in the Java community is the introduction of primitive type support in pattern matching through JEP 455. This new feature, part of Project Amber, promises to revolutionize the way developers handle pattern matching, instanceof, and switch statements.

A Brief Introduction to JEP 455

JEP 455, also known as "Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Preview)", has recently been promoted from Proposed to Targeted for JDK 23. The primary goal of this JEP is to extend pattern matching capabilities in Java by allowing the use of primitive type patterns in all pattern contexts, including instanceof checks and switch statements.

Pattern matching is a powerful language construct introduced in Java 14 as a preview feature. It provides a concise and expressive way to perform conditional checks on objects and extract data from them. With the addition of primitive type support, developers will be able to leverage pattern matching for a wider range of use cases, improving both code readability and maintainability.

Enhancing Pattern Matching with Primitive Type Support

The inclusion of primitive type patterns in Java's pattern matching arsenal opens up a host of possibilities. Previously, pattern matching was limited to reference types, such as classes and interfaces. With JEP 455, developers can now match against primitive types, including int, long, double, boolean, and other primitive data types.

This new capability brings several benefits. Firstly, it simplifies code by eliminating the need for multiple instanceof checks or type casting. Instead, developers can use pattern matching to handle primitive types in a more concise and elegant way. This leads to cleaner and more readable code, reducing the potential for bugs and making maintenance easier.

Secondly, the introduction of primitive type support in switch statements allows for more expressive and efficient code. Previously, switch statements were only applicable to reference types, forcing developers to resort to if-else chains for handling primitive types. With the new enhancement, developers can now use switch statements with primitive types, resulting in more efficient code execution and improved performance.

Unlocking the Power of instanceof

Another area that benefits from the enhancements introduced by JEP 455 is the instanceof operator. The instanceof operator allows developers to check whether an object is an instance of a particular type or one of its subtypes. Prior to JEP 455, instanceof was limited to reference types, making it impossible to perform instanceof checks on primitive types.

With the new enhancements, developers can now use instanceof to check whether an object is an instance of a primitive type. This opens up new possibilities for handling different data types dynamically and enables more flexible and expressive code.


JEP 455 brings significant improvements to pattern matching, instanceof, and switch statements in Java. The inclusion of primitive type support enhances code readability, simplifies patterns, and allows for more expressive and efficient code. By eliminating the need for multiple instanceof checks and enabling switch statements with primitive types, developers can write cleaner, more maintainable code.

As JDK 23 approaches, developers can look forward to leveraging these powerful enhancements in their Java projects. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your programming journey, the new capabilities introduced by JEP 455 will undoubtedly enhance your productivity and help you write better Java code.

A N M Bazlur Rahman