Fatih Kacar
Published on
11/18/2023 09:00 pm

How Spotify Fights Global Warming by Taking Their Mobile App Size Under Control

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

Spotify's Commitment to Reducing Mobile App Size for Environmental Sustainability

In today's digital age, where every smartphone user is constantly looking for more functionality and new features, app developers face a unique challenge. Adding new features often leads to an increase in app size, which can have unintended consequences. Spotify, the world's leading music streaming platform, understands the impact of app size growth not only on user experience but also on environmental sustainability. They have taken proactive measures to fight global warming by effectively managing the size of their mobile app.

The Hidden Impact of App Size Growth

When developers introduce new features or make significant improvements to an app, it can result in a larger app size. This growth in size has several undesired effects:

  • User Disengagement: Larger app sizes lead to increased data consumption, which can be a concern for users with limited mobile data plans. This can result in users disengaging from the app or even uninstalling it.
  • Storage Constraints: Many smartphone users have limited storage capacity, especially on older devices. A larger app size can prevent users from installing or updating the app due to insufficient storage space.
  • Carbon Emissions: The growth in app size not only affects users' devices but also has an environmental impact. Larger apps require more resources and energy to download, leading to unnecessary carbon emissions.

Spotify's Approach to App Size Control

Spotify engineers recognized the importance of keeping their mobile app size under control to minimize these adverse effects. To prevent an estimated 10MB app size growth over six months, they established pre-PR (Pull Request) and post-PR processes.

Pre-PR Process

Before a new feature or improvement is merged into the codebase, Spotify engineers evaluate its impact on app size. They carefully analyze the code changes and estimate the potential increase in app size. This evaluation helps them identify any unnecessary bloat or inefficiencies that could be optimized or removed.

Post-PR Process

Once a code change is merged, Spotify engineers closely monitor the impact on app size. They use advanced tools and metrics to track the size changes and compare them against the estimated values from the pre-PR process. This monitoring allows them to identify any unexpected growth in app size and address it promptly.

Benefits of App Size Control

Spotify's commitment to app size control brings several benefits:

  • Enhanced User Experience: By managing app size, Spotify ensures that users can easily download and update the app, even on devices with limited storage space. This improves user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: By keeping app size under control, Spotify reduces unnecessary carbon emissions associated with app downloads. This contributes to a greener and more sustainable future.
  • Optimized Performance: A smaller app size can lead to improved performance, as the app requires fewer resources to run. Users experience faster loading times and smoother navigation, enhancing their overall experience.


Spotify sets an example for app developers by recognizing the hidden impact of app size growth and taking proactive measures to mitigate it. By implementing pre-PR and post-PR processes, they have successfully prevented significant app size increases, benefiting both users and the environment. Their commitment to reducing app size showcases their dedication to providing an excellent user experience while minimizing carbon emissions. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for all app developers to follow Spotify's lead and prioritize environmental sustainability through efficient app size control.