Fatih Kacar
Published on
10/30/2023 09:00 am

Goldsky’s Streaming-First Architecture for Blockchain Data with Flink, Redpanda and Kubernetes

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

Revolutionizing Blockchain Data Processing with Goldsky's Streaming-First Architecture

In today's digital era, blockchain technology has emerged as a game-changer in various industries, offering transparency, security, and efficiency. However, the processing of blockchain data in real-time has always been a challenge for businesses. Recognizing this challenge, Goldsky has developed a groundbreaking platform that enables real-time processing of blockchain data through its innovative streaming-first architecture.

Goldsky's platform empowers clients to seamlessly extract and leverage blockchain data for their product features without the need to manage complex data pipeline infrastructure. By implementing an event-driven architecture (EDA) with cutting-edge technologies such as Apache Flink, Redpanda, Kubernetes, and cloud provider services, Goldsky provides an unparalleled solution for processing blockchain data in real-time.

Introducing Goldsky's Streaming-First Architecture

Goldsky's streaming-first architecture brings together the power of Apache Flink, Redpanda, Kubernetes, and cloud services, creating a robust and scalable platform for processing blockchain data. This architecture is designed with a focus on extracting data from blockchains and delivering it to clients' databases seamlessly and efficiently.

The Role of Apache Flink

Apache Flink, a powerful open-source stream processing framework, plays a crucial role in Goldsky's architecture. It enables real-time data analytics and processing, ensuring that clients receive accurate and up-to-date information from the blockchain. With its advanced data streaming capabilities, Apache Flink opens up possibilities for complex analysis and insights.

Harnessing the Power of Redpanda

Redpanda, a modern streaming platform built for mission-critical applications, complements Apache Flink in Goldsky's architecture. Redpanda ensures high performance, fault-tolerance, and low-latency data processing, making it an ideal choice for handling massive amounts of blockchain data in real-time.

Scalability with Kubernetes

Kubernetes, an industry-leading container orchestration platform, provides the necessary scalability and resilience to Goldsky's architecture. It helps manage the deployment and scaling of containers that run the various components of the platform, ensuring optimal performance even as the volume of blockchain data grows.

Seamless Integration with Cloud Provider Services

Goldsky's architecture leverages the power of cloud provider services to enhance its scalability and reliability. By leveraging cloud infrastructure, clients can enjoy seamless integration and access to a wide range of services and resources, further enhancing the value of the platform.

A New Era of Real-Time Blockchain Data Processing

Goldsky's streaming-first architecture revolutionizes the way businesses process blockchain data. By enabling real-time extraction and analysis of blockchain data without the complexities of managing data pipelines, businesses can focus on leveraging the insights and opportunities provided by the blockchain.

The platform empowers clients to extract and store blockchain data directly into their databases, supporting product features that drive growth and innovation. With the ability to process and analyze data in real-time, businesses can make informed decisions faster and gain a competitive edge in the market.

The Future of Blockchain Data Processing

Goldsky's streaming-first architecture sets the stage for the future of blockchain data processing. As the blockchain technology continues to evolve and gain widespread adoption, the need for efficient and scalable data processing solutions will only grow. Goldsky's platform is well-positioned to meet this demand and serve as a foundation for businesses to harness the full potential of blockchain technology.

With its event-driven architecture powered by Apache Flink, Redpanda, Kubernetes, and cloud provider services, Goldsky is driving innovation in the blockchain industry. By simplifying the real-time processing of blockchain data, Goldsky is paving the way for businesses to unlock new insights, drive customer engagement, and fuel growth in the digital economy.


Goldsky's streaming-first architecture is transforming the landscape of blockchain data processing. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and adopting an event-driven approach, Goldsky enables businesses to extract, process, and analyze blockchain data in real-time without the complexities of managing data pipelines. This platform offers a glimpse into the future of blockchain data processing, where businesses can harness the power of the blockchain to drive innovation and achieve new levels of success.