Fatih Kacar
Published on
01/25/2024 09:00 am

Exploring the Latest Features of Microsoft Dev Proxy v0.14

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    Fatih Kacar

Exploring the Latest Features of Microsoft Dev Proxy v0.14

Last week, Microsoft made an exciting announcement introducing Dev Proxy v0.14.0. This update comes packed with a range of noteworthy features that enhance the overall developer experience. In this article, we will explore the key additions and improvements that Microsoft has introduced in Dev Proxy v0.14.0.

Combining Rate Limiting with Mock Responses

One of the standout features of Dev Proxy v0.14.0 is the ability to combine rate limiting with mock responses. This allows developers to simulate real-world scenarios and ensure that their applications can handle varying levels of traffic. By controlling the rate at which mock responses are returned, developers can accurately test and optimize their applications for different usage scenarios.

Simplified OpenAPI Spec Generation

With Dev Proxy v0.14.0, generating OpenAPI specifications has become much simpler. OpenAPI specs play a critical role in documenting APIs and facilitating seamless integration between different services. The new update streamlines the process of generating these specs, enabling developers to create comprehensive and accurate documentation with ease.

CRUD API Simulation

Developers can now simulate CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) APIs using Dev Proxy v0.14.0. This feature allows developers to mimic the behavior of actual API endpoints and test their applications against different CRUD operations. It provides a sandbox environment for developers to experiment and ensure that their applications interact correctly with the API.

Improved macOS Setup

If you're working on macOS, you'll be pleased to know that Microsoft has made significant improvements to the setup process. Dev Proxy v0.14.0 offers a seamless installation experience on macOS, ensuring that developers can quickly get started with their projects without any hassle.

Easy Access to Dev Proxy Presets

The latest update introduces Dev Proxy presets, making it even easier for developers to configure their proxies. These presets allow developers to quickly switch between different proxy configurations based on their specific requirements. Whether you're testing a local development environment or a production-like setup, these presets provide flexibility and convenience.

Enhanced Mock Structures

Dev Proxy v0.14.0 brings enhancements to mock structures. Developers can now define more complex mock responses, incorporating a variety of data types, nested objects, and arrays. This enables developers to create highly realistic mock endpoints that closely resemble the behavior of the actual API endpoints.

Introduction of JSON Schemas

The introduction of JSON schemas in Dev Proxy v0.14.0 further enhances the customization options available to developers. JSON schemas allow developers to define the structure and validation rules for the request and response payloads. This ensures that the API consumes and produces data that adheres to the specified schema, promoting data integrity and consistency.

Performance and Stability Improvements

Microsoft has worked diligently to improve the performance and stability of Dev Proxy with this update. Version v0.14.0 comes with various optimizations and bug fixes, ensuring that developers can enjoy a smooth and reliable development experience.


The release of Dev Proxy v0.14.0 by Microsoft introduces several exciting features that empower developers to build and test their applications more efficiently. The ability to combine rate limiting with mock responses, simplified OpenAPI spec generation, CRUD API simulation, improved macOS setup, easy access to Dev Proxy presets, enhanced mock structures, the introduction of JSON schemas, and various performance and stability improvements make this update a significant milestone. As a developer, it's time to take advantage of these new features and enhance your development workflow with Microsoft Dev Proxy v0.14.0.

By Almir Vuk