Fatih Kacar
Published on
01/04/2024 09:00 am

Exciting Updates and Highlights in the Java World

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    Fatih Kacar

Exciting Updates and Highlights in the Java World

As we wrap up the year 2023, it may seem like a quiet time for the Java community, but there are still some exciting updates and highlights worth mentioning. In this Java news roundup, we'll take a look at the new GlassFish 8.0-M1 release, the highlights from Spring, BellSoft, and WildFly, as well as some other interesting developments. Let's dive in!

GlassFish 8.0.0-M1: A Glimpse into the Future

The highly anticipated release of GlassFish 8.0.0-M1 is finally here! This milestone release brings a host of improvements and new features to the Java EE application server. With enhanced support for Jakarta EE 9 and MicroProfile 5, developers can leverage the latest standards and specifications to build robust and scalable applications. GlassFish 8.0.0-M1 also introduces better integration with modern container runtimes and improved performance optimizations. Stay tuned for more updates on GlassFish 8.0 as it progresses towards its final release.

2023 Highlights: Spring, BellSoft, and WildFly

Looking back at 2023, it's evident that Spring, BellSoft, and WildFly have made significant contributions and advancements in the Java ecosystem. Spring, the popular framework for building enterprise-grade applications, introduced several exciting updates, including support for Kotlin, improved reactive programming capabilities, and enhanced security features. BellSoft, a leading provider of Java runtimes and support services, continued to deliver high-quality JDK builds and played a vital role in the Java community. WildFly, the open-source Java EE application server, made significant progress with its Jakarta EE 10 implementation and contributed to the evolution of the Java ecosystem.

Other Interesting Java News

Apache Camel 3.22.0: Integration Made Easier

Apache Camel, the powerful integration framework, has released version 3.22.0 with new features and improvements. This release focuses on streamlining integration workflows by providing better support for asynchronous processing, enhanced error handling, and enriched monitoring capabilities. With Apache Camel 3.22.0, developers can build robust and scalable integration solutions more efficiently.

Gradle 8.6-RC1: Simplified Build Automation

Gradle, the modern build automation tool, has reached the release candidate stage for version 8.6. This new version comes with exciting enhancements, including improved dependency management, faster builds, and better support for incremental compilation. Gradle continues to be a popular choice for Java developers looking for efficient and flexible build automation solutions.

Updated Draft Specification for JEP 455: Sleeping Like a Pro

JEP 455, which aims to improve the sleep and timed wait performance in Java, has received an updated draft specification. This new specification proposes optimizations in the HotSpot Virtual Machine to reduce the overhead of thread park and unpark operations. If implemented, developers can expect improved performance and reduced latency in sleep and timed wait operations in future versions of Java.

Wrapping Up

Although the Java community may have been relatively quiet during the last week of December 2023, there were still exciting updates and highlights to keep developers engaged. From the release of GlassFish 8.0-M1 to the accomplishments of Spring, BellSoft, and WildFly, the Java ecosystem continues to thrive. Additionally, the latest versions of Apache Camel and Gradle bring improvements to integration and build automation, while the updated draft specification for JEP 455 promises enhanced performance in sleep and timed wait operations. As we enter the new year, let's stay excited about the future of Java and the innovations it brings.

Article by: Michael Redlich