Fatih Kacar
Published on
10/06/2023 09:00 am

Combating AI-Generated Fake Images with JavaScript Libraries

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar
Using JavaScript libraries, developers can combat AI-generated fake images by implementing cryptographic timestamping and digital signatures. These techniques help ensure the authenticity and integrity of images in a world where deepfake technology has become increasingly accessible. Cryptographic timestamping involves embedding a timestamp in the metadata of an image to provide proof of when it was taken. By combining this timestamp with a digital signature, which verifies the image's source, we can have confidence in the images' authenticity. JavaScript libraries like CryptographyJS and JSEncrypt provide developers with the necessary tools to implement cryptographic timestamping and digital signatures. CryptographyJS is a versatile library that supports various cryptographic algorithms, and JSEncrypt is specifically designed for encryption and decryption in the browser. To implement cryptographic timestamping, developers can follow these steps: 1. Add the necessary JavaScript libraries (e.g., CryptographyJS, JSEncrypt) to the project. 2. Generate a cryptographic timestamp using the current time. 3. Embed the timestamp in the image's metadata. 4. Generate a digital signature using the private key. 5. Attach the digital signature to the image. These steps help prevent the manipulation of images and provide confidence in their authenticity. By leveraging existing JavaScript libraries, developers can combat the spread of AI-generated fake images. In conclusion, Kate Sills emphasized the importance of using JavaScript libraries for combating AI-generated fake images. By implementing cryptographic timestamping and digital signatures, developers can ensure the authenticity and integrity of images. In a world where AI-generated fake images pose a significant challenge, these techniques offer a defense mechanism to verify the legitimacy of images and combat misinformation.