Fatih Kacar
Published on
11/06/2023 09:00 am

Breaking Free from the Dependency Hell: The Impact of Gen AI and OSS Regulation

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

Breaking Free from the Dependency Hell: The Impact of Gen AI and OSS Regulation

The software industry has come a long way in addressing the 'security of the software supply chain problem,' as highlighted in the State Of Supply Chain report. However, despite improvements, there is still work to be done to eliminate vulnerabilities. A staggering 96% of all vulnerable downloads could have been avoided, indicating an urgent need for action.

The Persistence of the Dependency Hell

Despite efforts to tackle the dependency hell problem, the software industry continues to face challenges. The concept of the dependency hell refers to the difficulties that arise from the reliance on external libraries and open-source software (OSS) components. These dependencies introduce potential security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals.

The yearly State Of Supply Chain report serves as a reminder that the dependency hell persists. The report highlights the need for increased attention and measures to address this long-standing issue. While progress has been made, it is clear that more needs to be done to protect the software supply chain.

Gen AI: A Novel Challenge

Looking ahead to 2023, the software industry faces new challenges in the form of Gen AI and associated risks. Gen AI, or Generative AI, refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to generate new content, including software code. While this technology holds immense potential for innovation, it also raises concerns regarding security and ethical implications.

Legislative adoption of regulations to mitigate the risks associated with Gen AI is one of the key challenges ahead. As the software industry embraces this new technology, it must also grapple with ensuring its responsible and safe use. Balancing innovation with security is crucial to avoid further exacerbating the dependency hell problem.

The Path Forward

To break free from the dependency hell, a multi-faceted approach is needed. Here are some steps that can be taken:

  1. Improving Vulnerability Detection: It is essential to enhance tools and processes for identifying and addressing vulnerable downloads. Automated vulnerability scanning and code analysis can help in this regard.
  2. Strengthening OSS Governance: Organizations should establish robust governance frameworks for managing OSS components. This involves regularly updating and patching dependencies, as well as monitoring for known vulnerabilities.
  3. Emphasizing Education and Training: Knowledge and awareness play a crucial role in mitigating the dependency hell problem. Promoting education and training programs on secure coding practices can empower developers to write more secure software.
  4. Encouraging Responsible Gen AI Adoption: The responsible use of Gen AI requires a collective effort. Industry stakeholders, government bodies, and technology providers should collaborate to establish ethical guidelines and regulations for Gen AI development and deployment.

By implementing these steps, the software industry can make significant progress in reducing vulnerabilities and ultimately exiting the dependency hell. It is a collective responsibility to ensure the security and integrity of the software supply chain.


The persistence of the security of the software supply chain problem serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing the dependency hell. With Gen AI and associated risks on the horizon, the software industry must proactively tackle these challenges. By improving vulnerability detection, strengthening OSS governance, emphasizing education and training, and encouraging responsible Gen AI adoption, the industry can move closer to breaking free from the dependency hell and ensuring a more secure software ecosystem.

Author: Olimpiu Pop