Fatih Kacar
Published on
12/10/2023 09:00 pm

.NET Container Images for Ubuntu: Now Ready for Production

  • Name
    Fatih Kacar

.NET Container Images for Ubuntu: Now Ready for Production

At the end of November, the .NET chiselled Ubuntu container images achieved general availability. This is great news for developers and organizations looking to leverage the power of .NET across different versions and environments. Microsoft recently announced that these chiselled container images are now suitable for production use in .NET 6, 7, and 8.

The availability of these chiselled Ubuntu container images is the result of a successful long-term partnership and design collaboration between Canonical and Microsoft. It represents a significant milestone in providing developers with robust and optimized tooling for building and deploying .NET applications.

What Makes These Images Chiselled?

"Chiselled" refers to the meticulous process of refining and optimizing the container images to ensure optimal performance and compatibility. These container images have undergone extensive testing and optimization to deliver the best possible experience for developers.

By leveraging the partnership between Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, and Microsoft, the creator of .NET, these chiselled container images have been fine-tuned to provide a seamless integration of the .NET framework with the Ubuntu operating system. This alignment ensures that developers can take full advantage of the performance and security features of both technologies.

Benefits of Using .NET Container Images for Ubuntu

The availability of these chiselled Ubuntu container images brings several benefits to developers and organizations using .NET for their applications:

  • Optimized Performance: The chiselled container images have been carefully designed to maximize performance and minimize resource consumption. This means that applications built using these images can deliver exceptional performance even under heavy load.
  • Enhanced Security: By using the chiselled container images, developers can leverage the built-in security features of both .NET and Ubuntu. This ensures that their applications are protected against common security threats.
  • Seamless Integration: These container images have been optimized for seamless integration with both .NET and Ubuntu. This allows developers to easily deploy their applications on Ubuntu-based environments without worrying about compatibility issues.
  • Future Compatibility: The availability of these chiselled container images for multiple .NET versions (6, 7, and 8) ensures that developers can future-proof their applications. This means that even as .NET evolves, their applications will continue to work without major compatibility issues.

Getting Started with .NET Chiselled Ubuntu Container Images

To start using the .NET chiselled Ubuntu container images, developers need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Ensure that you have Docker installed on your machine or the target environment where you plan to deploy your application.
  2. Pull the .NET chiselled Ubuntu container image from the Docker registry using the appropriate tag for the desired .NET version (e.g., dotnet:6.0-chiselled-ubuntu).
  3. Create a Dockerfile for your .NET application and specify the base image as the chiselled Ubuntu container image.
  4. Build and run your Docker container using the Dockerfile and the chiselled Ubuntu image.

By following these steps, developers can quickly and easily incorporate the optimized chiselled Ubuntu container images into their .NET development workflow.


The availability of .NET chiselled Ubuntu container images for production marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between Canonical and Microsoft. These images provide developers with optimized and secure tooling for building and deploying .NET applications on Ubuntu-based environments.

Whether you're a seasoned .NET developer or just starting with the framework, the chiselled Ubuntu container images offer a streamlined way to leverage the power of .NET and Ubuntu together. By ensuring optimal performance, enhanced security, and seamless integration, these container images empower developers to deliver high-quality applications with ease.

So, why wait? Start exploring the possibilities of .NET chiselled Ubuntu container images and unlock the full potential of your .NET applications.

By Almir Vuk